How Do I Train Right Now? | Boston, Chicago, NYC Preseason

How Do I Train Right Now? | Boston, Chicago, NYC Preseason

[Photo of Liz Rock by Josh Campbell]

Since all of our races are canceled there's a great opportunity for us to unify around a single schedule. The last time I was in a similar position was "pre-season" before cross country heading into college. This is the inspiration behind the launch of what we're calling Heartbreak Preseason. Like the unstructured training of a collegiate athlete in the summer, we'll lay a base of fundamentals to ready ourselves for the big training blocks of the FIVE fall world majors in 2020. The workouts are designed to be purposeful and empowering, allowing you to feel your strongest while you also fill in some of the gaps in your training (core strength, flexibility, etc). With the uncertainty of the moment, it's important to understand the additional stress we're all under. The workouts accommodate and reflect that allowing you to push and improve but also don't require you to muster your maximum capacity. You should be no where near that. Check out the Heartbreak Instagram account for the morning instruction. This program is free to the public to help everyone raise their running game. For those looking to perform this fall, do the work now. If you're not sure how to apply the program, speed days are Tuesday and Thursday, easy days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and long days are Saturday. If you're running 5 or 6 days, great, follow along. If you're not, pick 1 speed, 1 or 2 easy, and 1 long. All workouts are by minutes and should be done simply "by effort". No need to obsess about pace right now. Heartbreakers will have the best access as always with full weekly visibility (the public will only see it day of), weekly Coach LIVE Q&A, Heartbreaker Happy Hour, and more. Enjoy! - DF